Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Ping Sweeps and Port Scans Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ping Sweeps and Port Scans - Assignment Example Computer activities fall into broad categories of the ones which enhance proper functioning of other programs running on a computer whereas others which render expected functioning difficult. We must safeguard our computers against the malicious activities. Information about a computer such as the details about its operating system, details about programs running on it, information about various protocols, details about usage of ports and responses to different functions are amongst those targeted by hackers and jammers in a network. Ping sweep is a very fundamental scanning activity used to primarily determine the range of IP addresses which map to live hosts (TechTarget, 2002). Usually we ping a computer to know the active presence of the desired host. However, ping sweeps do it for a multitude of computers. Ping sweep is also known as ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) sweep (TechTarget, 2002). Ping sweeps can be performed voluntarily by an organization to determine active hosts. Upon determination we use this data to perform data transactions/sharing between desired active hosts. It can also be performed by an outsider with an intention to drag information out of a computer database for wrong purposes. The process of knowing active hosts in ping sweep is similar to an act where a pickpocket identifies his prey in a crowded bus (Murali, 2004). Every sweep is an attempt with hope. We can take stringent security measures to avoid responding to external pings. Once the computer responds to ping sweep, there begins the next process of port scanning. Port scan is the process of sending messages to a port for determining the type of network services offered by the host (Ireland, S, 2009). Upon receiving messages the ports respond with their status of being in use or being dormant. Depending upon this status information, the tuned port can now be used for hacking useful and often confidential information. The ports represent potential communication

Monday, October 28, 2019

Personality Attributes Essay Example for Free

Personality Attributes Essay Locus of control  is a theory in  personality psychology  referring to the extent to which individuals believe that they can control events that affect them. Understanding of the concept was developed by  Julian B. Rotter  in 1954, and has since become an aspect of personality studies. A persons locus (Latin for place or location) is conceptualised as either internal (the person believes they can control their life) or external (meaning they believe that their decisions and life are controlled by environmental factors which they cannot influence). Individuals with a high internal locus of control believe that events in their life derive primarily from their own actions; for example, if a person with an internal locus of control does not perform as well as they wanted to on a test, they would blame it on lack of preparedness on their part. If they performed well on a test, they would attribute this to ability to study. [1]. In the test-performance example, if a person with a high external locus of control does poorly on a test, they might attribute this to the difficulty of the test questions. If they performed well on a test, they might think the teacher was lenient or that they were lucky. [1] Those with a high internal locus of control exhibit better control of their behavior[citation needed], tend to be more politically involved[citation needed]  and are more likely to attempt to influence others than are those with an external locus of control. [citation needed]  They also assign greater likelihood to their efforts being successful, and more actively seek information concerning their situation. [citation needed] Locus of control has generated much research in a variety of areas in psychology. The construct is applicable to fields such as educational psychology, health psychology or clinical psychology. There will probably continue to be debate about whether specific or more global measures of locus of control will prove to be more useful. Careful distinctions should also be made between locus of control (a concept linked with expectancies about the future) and attributional style (a concept linked with explanations for past outcomes), or between locus of control and concepts such as self-efficacy. The importance of locus of control as a topic in psychology is likely to remain quite central for many years. Locus of control has also been included as one of four dimensions of  core self-evaluations  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ ones fundamental appraisal of oneself – along with  neuroticism,  self-efficacy, and  self-esteem. [2]  The concept of core self-evaluations was first examined by Judge, Locke, and Durham (1997), and since has proven to have the ability to predict several work outcomes, specifically, job satisfaction and job performance 2. Machiavelllianism: Machiavellianism is also a term that some social and personality  psychologists  use to describe a persons tendency to be emotionally cool and detached, and thus more able to detach from conventional morality and to  deceive  and  manipulate  others. In the 1960s, Richard Christie and Florence L. Geis developed a test for measuring a persons level of Machiavellianism. Measured on the Mach-IV scale, males are on average slightly more Machiavellian than females  [6]  [8]. Motivation: A 1992 review described Machiavellian motivation as related to cold selfishness and pure instrumentality, and those high on the trait were assumed to pursue their motives (e. g. sex, achievement, sociality) in duplicitous ways. More recent research on the motivations of high Machs compared to low Machs found that they gave high priority to money, power, and competition and relatively low priority to community building, self-love, and family concerns. High Machs admitted to focusing on unmitigated achievement and winning at any cost. Due to their skill at interpersonal manipulation, there has often been an assumption that high Machs possess superior intelligence, or ability to understand other people in social situations. However, research has firmly established that Machiavellianism is unrelated to  IQ. Furthermore, studies on  emotional intelligence  have found that high Machiavellianism actually tends to be associated with low emotional intelligence as assessed by both performance and questionnaire measures. Both empathy and emotion recognition have been shown to have negative correlations with Machiavellianism. Additionally, research has shown that Machiavellianism is unrelated to a more advanced theory of mind, that is, the ability to anticipate what others are thinking in social situations. If high Machs actually are skilled at manipulating others this appears to be unrelated to any special cognitive abilities as such Self esteem: Self-esteem  is a term in  psychology  to reflect a  persons overall evaluation or appraisal of his or her own worth. Conversely, low self-monitors do not participate, to the same degree, in expressive control and do not share similar concern for situational appropriateness. Low self-monitors tend to exhibit expressive controls congruent with their own internal states; i. e. beliefs,  attitudes, and  dispositions  regardless of social circumstance. Low self-monitors are often less observant of social context and consider expressing a self-presentation dissimilar from their internal states as a falsehood and undesirable.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Heap Leaching :: Gold Mining Miners Minerals Essays

Heap Leaching Heap leaching is a method used most commonly for the mining of gold. Along with heap leaching comes many environmental concerns and considerations. In order to decrease these environmental concerns, there must be regulations placed on the mining of gold. Regulations can stem from control acts, enforced by the Department of Energy and other agencies similar to this, to simple regulations dealing with the equipment companies must use in their daily excavations. The heap leaching method used to extract gold uses cyanide as part of the process. This can be â€Å"toxic to fish and wildlife† and is therefore an environmental concern with the mining of gold (Bartlett 79). Some other concerns taken into consideration when dealing with gold mining and heap leaching are â€Å"preventing bird poisoning on wet heaps and solution storage ponds [†¦as well as amounts of] wind blown dust and other air contaminants [which] can be serious† problems spreading throughout the environment (Bartlett 79). Contamination of surface and ground waters is a major concern as a side effect of heap leaching (Bartlett 79). There has been action taken in order to reduce the possibility of any of these environmental considerations taking place during and after the process of heap leaching. It is recommended that in order to regulate heap leaching of gold, companies use methods of containment along with close monitoring in order to recognize problems before they occur (Bartlett 79-80). As I stated in my second essay, the ore and solution removed from the heap leaching process is discarded onto leach pads. These pads are the â€Å"most important element[s] of the solution containment system† (Bartlett 80). The leach pads help prevent toxic solutions from running off into the surrounding areas and therefore they decrease the risk of harming any living organisms living in the area the mining is occurring in. â€Å"Proper foundation preparation is necessary to prevent movement and tearing of the liner† of the leach pad (Bartlett 80). If this were to happen then the leach pad would not be a sufficient means of protection for the environment. Another way to protect the environment is by having a solution collection system.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Religion Is Seen as Not Promoting Social Change for Marx and Durkheim. Essay

Religion is a powerful role in influencing a society and the lives of it’s members. The sociological traditions of Marx and Durkheim view religion totally differently, yet they both agree that religion is a very important aspect of a society. Durkheim and Marx each had their own definitions of religion. However, we will learn that they both see an important role that religion plays in a society, as well as the ways in which society creates and shapes their religions. Unlike Durkheim and Weber, Marx was not much concerned with the studying religion although his ideas on religion are very influential. For marx religion He further feels that a world that requires illusion (religion) has something wrong with it. Marx talks about two primary functions of religion in what he calls the â€Å"real world†. First he says that religion is the opium of the people. Marx feels religion provides anesthesia to the masses. To him, religion is a way for people to escape from some of the suffering in their lives or to somehow feel better despite all of their suffering. Religion deters suffering of the present situations of people. It allows people to put off their suffering because they believe it will be taken care of in heaven, or where ever, after they die. And as it would follow, religion helps people put more hope into â€Å"the year after†. People who are religious really do believe â€Å"life† will be better for them after they die. Also religion helps to maintain the oppression of the lower classed people by the people who make up the upper classes. The second primary function of religion in a society, according to Karl Marx, is that it is the sigh of the oppressed creature. Religion brings with it a safety value. People end up being lulled into the protection religion seems to offer them, and people do feel the need to feel and be safe. Religion also gives people an opportunity to complain about the ways of the world. The world is not the way religion says it should be and therefore people complain about the way it actually is, as a way of feeling like a good member of their chosen religion. Religion allows people to acknowledge the dehumanized state of their lives. It helps people to see the horrible way in which we are in and it helps keep us in this horrible way. We realize through religion that we are not finding fulfillment in our lives. Marx would view a relationship between religious belief and progressive social activism as a display of a dehumanized society yearning for self actualization. The people of a progressive social activist society are not getting self actualization because there political system allows for scarcity of necessities, goods and jobs, and they also oppress the people of their society. According to Marx, if people are without self actualization they will create a place where they can find self actualization. Religion helps people do that. Durkheim dedicated a considerable part of his academic life to the study of religion especially religion in small scale traditional societies. Allotting a single sentence to Durkheim in a kind of appendix to The Sacred & The Profane, Eliade comments that the French founder of sociology ‘believed that he had found the sociological explanation for religion in totemism’. Durkheim bases his work on the totemism practiced by Australian aborigines and argues that totemism is the most elementary or simple form of religion. Durkheim starts Forms by looking at how religion may be defined and here the sacred profane dichotomy comes immediately into play: the primary characteristic of religion is that it divides the world into the two domains of sacred and profane. In fact, the two are opposed so fundamentally that they are seen as separate worlds. In Durkheim’s view the sacred is far from being synonymous with the divine. Not only may gods and spirits be sacred, but also things like rocks, trees, pieces of wood, in fact anything. For what makes something sacred is not that it is somehow connected to the divine but that it is the subject of a prohibition that sets it radically apart from something else, which is itself thereby made profane. Durkheim describes religion in terms of beliefs and rites. For him, the details of these in particular religions are particular ways of dealing in thought and action with the fundamental dichotomy of sacred and profane.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dengue fever is a painful Essay

1.Description of the disease or condition The Dengue fever is a disease caused by a family of viruses that are transmitted by mosquitoes. Dengue is prevalent throughout the tropics and subtropics. Because dengue fever is caused by a virus, there is no specific medicine or antibiotic to treat it. For typical dengue fever, the treatment is purely concerned with relief of the symptoms. The acute phase of the illness with fever and myalgias (muscle pain) lasts about one to two weeks. Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a specific syndrome that tends to affect children under 10 years of age. It causes abdominal pain, hemorrhage (bleeding), and circulatory collapse (shock). The Dengue fever is a painful, debilitating mosquito-borne disease caused by any one of four closely related dengue viruses. These viruses are related to the viruses that cause West Nile infection and yellow fever. 2. Symptoms Symptoms include headache, fever, exhaustion, severe joint and muscle pain, swollen glands and rash. The presence of fever, rash, and headache (and other pains) is particularly characteristic of dengue fever. Fever A red, raised, lattice-like rash, usually on the chest, back, and abdomen Swollen, tender, red, and extremely painful joints — particularly the knees or ankles Nodules, or small protuberances, over the swollen joints Sometimes, weakness and shortness of breath caused by heart involvement Sometimes, uncontrolled movements of arms, legs, or facial muscles called chorea. These symptoms often begin one to six weeks after a strep throat infection has appeared to clear up†¦.Symptoms, which usually begin four to six days after infection and last for up to 10 days, may include: †¢Sudden, high fever †¢Severe headaches †¢Pain behind the eyes †¢Severe joint and muscle pain †¢Nausea †¢Vomiting †¢Skin rash, which appears three to four days after the onset of fever †¢Mild bleeding (such a nose bleed, bleeding gums, or easy bruising) Sometimes symptoms are mild and can be mistaken for those of the flu or another viral infection. Younger children and people who have never had the infection before tend to have milder cases than older children and adults. However, serious problems can develop. These include dengue hemorrhagic fever, a rare complication characterized by high fever, damage to lymph and blood vessels, bleeding from the nose and gums, enlargement of the liver, and failure of the circulatory system. The symptoms may progress to massive bleeding, shock, and death. This is called dengue shock syndrome (DSS). 3. Cause/ risk factors Each year, an estimated 100 million cases of dengue fever occur worldwide. Most of these are in tropical areas of the world, with the greatest risk occurring in: †¢The Indian subcontinent †¢Southeast Asia †¢Southern China †¢Taiwan †¢The Pacific Islands †¢ The Caribbean (except Cuba and the Cayman Islands) †¢ Mexico †¢ Africa †¢Central and South America (except Chile, Paraguay, and Argentina) Most cases in the United States occur in people who contracted the infection while traveling abroad. But the risk is increasing for people living along the Texas-Mexico border and in other parts of the southern United States. In 2009, an outbreak of dengue fever was identified in Key West, Fla. Dengue fever is transmitted by the bite of an Aedes mosquito infected with a dengue virus. The mosquito becomes infected when it bites a person with dengue virus in their blood. It can’t be spread directly from one person to another person. 4. Treatment of the disease or condition The prevention of dengue fever requires control or eradication (elimination) of the mosquitoes carrying the virus that causes dengue. There is currently no vaccine available for dengue fever. There is no specific medicine to treat dengue infection. If you think you may have dengue fever, you should use pain relievers with acetaminophen and avoid medicines with aspirin, which could worsen bleeding. You should also rest, drink plenty of fluids, and see your doctor. If you start to feel worse in the first 24 hours after your fever goes down, you should get to a hospital immediately to be checked for complications. To protect yourself you can: †¢Stay away from heavily populated residential areas, if possible. †¢Use mosquito repellents, even indoors. †¢When outdoors, wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants tucked into socks. †¢When indoors, use air conditioning if available. †¢Make sure window and door screens are secure and free of holes. If sleeping areas are not screened or air conditioned, use mosquito nets. †¢If you have symptoms of dengue, speak to your doctor. To reduce the mosquito population, get rid of places where mosquitoes can breed. These include old tires, cans, or flower pots that collect rain. Regularly change the water in outdoor bird baths and pets’ water dishes. If someone in your home gets dengue fever, be especially vigilant about efforts to protect yourself and other family members from mosquitoes. Mosquitoes that bite the infected family member could spread the infection to others in your home. 5. Body systems involved The whole body is affected as the dengue virus effects immune system. Liver is damaged after the disease is over. Most of the patients feel the body pains even after the virus is over. The blood platelet count is decreased and the bleeding problems are very frequent among the dengue patients. Skin marks caused by dengue disappear with the passage of time. People with weakened immune systems as well as those with a second or subsequent dengue infection are believed to be at greater risk for developing dengue hemorrhagic fever. 6. Countries where the disease or condition is found Outbreaks have occurred recently in the Caribbean, including Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Cuba, and in Paraguay in South America, and Costa Rica in Central America. Although the dengue fever rarely occurs in the continental United States, it is endemic in Puerto Rico, and in many popular tourist destinations in Latin America and Southeast Asia; periodic outbreaks occur in Samoa and Guam.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Essay on Femininity and Feminism and the Histories of Art

Essay on Femininity and Feminism and the Histories of Art Essay on Femininity and Feminism and the Histories of Art Essay on Femininity and Feminism and the Histories of ArtGriselda Pollock in her work â€Å"In Vision and Difference: Femininity and Feminism and the Histories of Art† gives us some arguments which extend beyond issues about impressionist painting and parity of artists who are women. She outlines the spaces of femininity in works of artists compering female artists and the artists, who are men.The author indicates that a big amount of outstanding modern art works are considered and viewed extremely in the scope of sexuality and commercial exchange of it. In those works of art women are often pictured as subjects, which have a purpose to please men’s eye. We often see a bar with a female bartender or naked women in paintings (Olympia (1863) and A Bar at the Folies-Bergere (1881-82) by EdouardManet).Have you ever seen a modern painting with a naked man on it? Such painting will look ridiculous. A huge amount of modern arts are simply made just for men, for their pleasure, and women are selling their bodies to the artists. There had been social and subjective difference between women and men for several centuries. Such asymmetry has a historical background.The author mentions some female artists and their art works in order to compare them with paintings painted by male artists. Berthe Morisot and Mary Cassatt for instant were representatives of Impressionist exhibiting society. Griselda Pollockanalyses the differences between art works of these two female artists and male artists using space criteria. She analyses the location where women are depicted. In the case of female artists, private areas and domestic territory are included. On the contrary of male paintings, female artists depict women in the public domain scenes, for instance, of promenading, driving in the park, being at the theater, boating (At the terrace (1874), The harbor at Lorient (1869) by Berthe Morisot). Women are represented carrying their children, not being some naked courtesa ns or some bartenders. Women’s looks are not sexualized in the paintings of female artists.The author is also pointing out the spatial argument. The spatial order within the painting made by women is different from the spatial order on the man’s painting. When we are talking about female’s works of art, it is reasonable to mention the following arguments. The disposition of different subjects and the point, from which the painting has been made, make the viewer involved and taken into position of depicted person. Sometimes the viewer’s gaze is obstructed from the foreground by the depicted figure. Therefore, the viewer feels some dislocation between the woman depicted and the rest of the world. There are boundaries between two spatial systems. The differences lie in the wayperson can relate to the painting and objects depicted in it. For example,The garden of the princess (1864) by EdouardManet gives the viewer only ability of observing the scene, not bei ng present in the painting. It makes the viewer independent and absent. But the point of view of women’s painting put the person somewhere in the middle. The viewer is not absolutely absent, but also not to personally involved. The painting simply demonstrates historical moment.The women may be depicted in exactly the opposite way depending on the location and clothing. The respectable woman is well dressed and accompanied by her husband in a park. The girl of easy virtue is showing some parts of her body and her dress is not so modest.There was quite distinctive separation of women’s and men’s public territory in bourgeois society. Women were not supposed to visit public places alone. They were considered to be home keepers. If woman showed up alone in public places, she had risked to be judged by society. She could be disgraced and defamed. Female artists like Berthe Morisot and Mary Cassatt showed us that discomfort and vulnerability of lonely women in public places. Women depicted by Mary Cassatt in The Loge (1882) show the reality and true feelings of such women. One of them seems suppressed and the other one is covering her face. That is the evidence that they feel uncomfortable. The yeas of the public were fixed on these ladies. Male artist Auguste Renoir in The loge (1874) shows the same location but from a different point of view. The woman in his picture draws attention of a viewer to herself. She is depicted presumably for a male spectator. We see a picture of a woman. She is the only object of this painting.It is Griselda Pollocks opinion that that line between public and private life of a woman is not just a division of her world, it is also the frontier of the spaces of femininity. While men could move freely in public world, women were restricted. Women could not observe the world because of such restriction of visiting public places alone. On the contrary of man, woman had no freedom of looking and acknowledging. She was th e object of men’s gaze by herself. It was a man who had a whole freedom.The ways the women are depicted in private areas are also different. Female artist, Marry Cassat, for example, shows the maids simple washing. The maid is half naked. But not sexualized. She is not pictured as fallen woman. The artist depicted maid in the way, that she is not the subject of voyeuristic gaze. The viewer sees a simple act of private life. Griselda Pollock analyses Degas’s painting. The male artist shows the same act of private life in absolutely opposite way. The woman in his painting is definitely a subject to sexual commodification. It is also reasonable to mention about class division between women. The author suggests that bourgeoise and proletarian are depicted in different locations. It is a woman from the proletariat painted as a maid washing herself.In conclusion Griselda Pollock is talking about the spaces of femininity nowadays. It still regulates women lives. Author indica tes that modernity is still out there. It is still with us. Women are even more vulnerable to assault. Women are not able to move safely.   They are still objects to annoying looks by men and even victim to sexual crimes. That is why it is so important to analyze modernist art works in the scope of femininity.   It is important to discern sexualized structures and discover past resistance with the help of works of art. That could serve a factor to discovering new spaces of femininity.Now I would like to test arguments given in paper work by Griselda Pollock, which were summarized above, using the assigned work of art. A Box at the Italian Theatre was painted by Eva Gonzalà ¨s in 1874. It is currently located in the permanent collection of the Musà ©e d’Orsay in Paris. A Box at the Italian Theatre may truly be considered as a representative of impressionism in female version.At first, let’s analyze the space criteria. We see a woman in the public place. It is a de cent place, which is a theater. Eva Gonzalà ¨s depicts the character of the painting sitting in the box, so we can assume that she seeks for some privacy. Woman perhaps wants to feel herself a little bit more comfortable that is why she chooses some enclosed space. The character prefers to avoid some annoying looks of men and condemnation. This woman is allegedly alone in the theater. But that fact that she has her seat in a box gives us these associations with wealth and status. She can afford this privileged seat. The analysis of the location and the dress of the lady depicted bring us to the conclusion that this woman is a representative of the bourgeoisie.If we are talking about the women’s vulnerability in public places, we will see how precisely Eva Gonzalà ¨sconveys this problematic. The seat next to the lady is empty. We can assume that she came alone. But the woman obviously doesn’t have the possibility of observing the performance. As we can see she is cons tantly under the gaze of some man. That man seems interested in the lady, but she has her eye glued to the scene. The woman is restricted again. She has denied in freedom of looking and observing peacefully without any interferences.At the same time the posture and the way the woman sits gives us the feeling that she feels quite comfortable and that gaze of a man doesn’t disturb her.The analyzed painting supports statements of Griselda Pollock mentioned in her work â€Å"In Vision and Difference: Femininity and Feminism and the Histories of Art†. It shows the way female artists depicted women with all their vulnerable nature. It depicts the spaces of femininity.

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Biography of Civil War General Stonewall Jackson

A Biography of Civil War General Stonewall Jackson Stonewall Jackson - Early Life: Thomas Jonathan Jackson was born to Jonathan and Julia Jackson on January 21, 1824 at Clarksburg, VA (now WV). Jacksons father, an attorney, died when he was two leaving Julia with three small children. During his formative years, Jackson lived with a variety of relatives but spent the majority of time at his uncles mill in Jacksons Mills. While at the mill, Jackson developed a strong work ethic and sought out education when possible. Largely self-taught, he became an avid reader. In 1842, Jackson was accepted to West Point, but due to his lack of schooling struggled with the entrance exams. Stonewall Jackson - West Point Mexico: Due to his academic difficulties, Jackson began his academic career at the bottom of his class. While at the academy, he quickly proved himself a tireless worker as he endeavored to catch up to his peers. Graduating in 1846, he was able to achieve class rank of 17 out 59. Commissioned a second lieutenant in the 1st US Artillery, he was sent south to take part in the Mexican-American War. Part of Major General Winfield Scotts army, Jackson took part in the siege of Veracruz and the campaign against Mexico City. In the course of the fighting, he earned two brevet promotions and a permanent one to first lieutenant. Stonewall Jackson - Teaching at VMI: Taking part in the assault on Chapultepec Castle, Jackson again distinguished himself and was brevetted to major. Returning the United States after the war, Jackson accepted a teaching position at the Virginia Military Institute in 1851. Filling the role of Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy and Instructor of Artillery, he developed a curriculum that emphasized mobility and discipline. Highly religious and somewhat eccentric in his habits, Jackson was disliked and mocked by many of the students. This was worsened by his approach in the classroom where he repeatedly recited memorized lectures and offered little help to his students. While teaching at VMI, Jackson married twice, first to Elinor Junkin who died in childbirth, and later to Mary Anna Morrison in 1857. Two years later, following John Browns failed raid on Harpers Ferry, Governor Henry Wise asked VMI to provide a security detail for the abolitionist leaders execution. As the artillery instructor, Jackson and 21 of his cadets accompanied the detail with two howitzers. Stonewall Jackson - The Civil War Begins: With the election of President Abraham Lincoln and the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, Jackson offered his services to Virginia and was made a colonel. Assigned to Harpers Ferry, he began organizing and drilling troops, as well as operating against the BO railroad. Assembling a brigade of troops recruited in and around the Shenandoah Valley, Jackson was promoted to brigadier general that June. Part of General Joseph Johnstons command in the Valley, Jacksons brigade was rushed east in July to aid in the First Battle of Bull Run. Stonewall Jackson - Stonewall: As the battle raged on July 21, Jacksons command was brought forward to support the crumbling Confederate line on Henry House Hill. Demonstrating the discipline that Jackson had instilled, the Virginians held the line, leading Brigadier General Barnard Bee to exclaim, There is Jackson standing like a stone wall. Some controversy exists regarding this statement as some later reports claimed that Bee was angry at Jackson for not coming to his brigades aid faster and that stone wall was meant in a pejorative sense. Regardless, the name stuck to both Jackson and his brigade for the remainder of the war. Stonewall Jackson - In the Valley: Having held the hill, Jacksons men played a role in the subsequent Confederate counterattack and victory. Promoted to major general on October 7, Jackson was given command of the Valley District with headquarters at Winchester. In January 1862, he conducted an abortive campaign near Romney with the goal of re-capturing much of West Virginia. That March, as Major General George McClellan began transferring Union forces south to the Peninsula, Jackson was tasked with defeating Major General Nathaniel Banks forces in the Valley as well as preventing Major General Irvin McDowell from approaching Richmond. Jackson opened his campaign with a tactical defeat at Kernstown on March 23, but rebounded to win at McDowell, Front Royal, and First Winchester, ultimately expelling Banks from the Valley. Concerned about Jackson, Lincoln order McDowell to assist and dispatched men under Major General John C. Frà ©mont. Though outnumbered, Jackson continued his string of success defeating Frà ©mont at Cross Keys on June 8 and Brigadier General James Shields a day later at Port Republic. Having triumphed in the Valley, Jackson and his men were recalled to the Peninsula to join General Robert E. Lees Army of Northern Virginia. Stonewall Jackson - Lee Jackson: Though the two commanders would form a dynamic command partnership, their first action together was not promising. As Lee opened the Seven Days Battles against McClellan on June 25, Jacksons performance dipped. Throughout the fighting his men were repeatedly late and his decision making poor. Having eliminated the threat posed by McClellan, Lee ordered Jackson to take the Left Wing of the army north to deal with Major General John Popes Army of Virginia. Moving north, he won a fight at Cedar Mountain on August 9 and later succeeded in capturing Popes supply base at Manassas Junction. Moving onto the old Bull Run battlefield, Jackson assumed a defensive position to await Lee and the Right Wing of the army under Major General James Longstreet. Attacked by Pope on August 28, his men held until they arrived. The Second Battle of Manassas concluded with a massive flank attack by Longstreet which drove Union troops from the field. Following the victory, Lee decided to attempt an invasion of Maryland. Dispatched to capture Harpers Ferry, Jackson took the town before joining the rest of the army for the Battle of Antietam on September 17. Largely a defensive action, his men bore the brunt of the fighting at the northern end of the field. Withdrawing from Maryland, Confederate forces regrouped in Virginia. On October 10, Jackson was promoted to lieutenant general and his command officially designated the Second Corps. When Union troops, now led by Major General Ambrose Burnside, moved south that fall, Jacksons men joined Lee at Fredericksburg. During the Battle of Fredericksburg on December 13, his corps succeeded in holding off strong Union assaults south of the town. With the end of the fighting, both armies remained in place around Fredericksburg for the winter. When campaigning resumed in the spring, the Union forces guided by Major General Joseph Hooker attempted to move around Lees left to attack his rear. This movement presented problems for Lee as he had sent Longstreets corps away to find supplies and was badly outnumbered. Fighting at the Battle of Chancellorsville began on May 1 in a thick pine forest known as the Wilderness with Lees men under heavy pressure. Meeting with Jackson, the two men devised a daring plan for May 2 which called for the latter to take his corps on a wide flanking march to strike at the Union right. This daring plan succeeded and Jacksons attack began rolling up the Union line late on May 2. Reconnoitering that night, his party was confused for Union cavalry and was hit by friendly fire. Struck three times, twice in the left arm and once in the right hand, he was taken from the field. His left arm was quickly amputated, but his health began to deteriorate as he developed pneumonia. After lingering for eight days, he died on May 10. In learning of Jacksons wounding, Lee commented, Give General Jackson my affectionate regards, and say to him: he has lost his left arm but I my right. Selected Sources Virginia Military Institute: Thomas Stonewall JacksonCivil War: Stonewall JacksonStonewall Jackson House

Sunday, October 20, 2019

European Lion Facts and Figures

European Lion Facts and Figures Panthera leo, the modern lion, included a bewildering array of subspecies in early historical times. At least three of these- Panthera leo europaea, Panthera leo tartarica and Panthera leo fossilis- are referred to collectively as the European Lion; these big cats inhabited a broad swath of western, central and eastern Europe, ranging from the Iberian peninsula to as far east as Greece and the Caucasus. The European Lion probably descended from the same common ancestor as the Asiatic Lion, Panthera leo persica, the still-extant remnants of which can still be found in modern India. Cultural References Tantalizingly, the European Lion is referenced numerous times in classical literature; the Persian king Xerxes reportedly encountered some specimens when he invaded Macedonia in the 5th century B.C.E, and this big cat was almost certainly used by the Romans in gladiatorial combat or to dispose of unfortunate Christians in the first and second centuries A.D. Like other Panthera leo subspecies, the European Lion was hunted to extinction by humans, either for sport or to protect villages and farmland, and disappeared off the face of the earth about 1,000 years ago. The European Lion should not be confused with the Cave Lion, Panthera leo spelaea, which survived in Europe and Asia up to the cusp of the last Ice Age. Facts Historical Epoch Late Pleistocene-Modern (one million-1,000 years ago) Size and Weight Up to four feet high at the shoulder and 400 pounds Distinguishing Characteristics Large size; lack of manes in females

Saturday, October 19, 2019

My Final Report for my internship in ExxonMobil Qatar Essay

My Final Report for my internship in ExxonMobil Qatar - Essay Example The company had interest in oil and gas companies including Qatargas Liquefied Gas Company limited and Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Company Limited. In addition, it is committed to the government’s Qatarization policy, which means that majority of the employees of the company are locals. In partnership with the Qatar Petroleum, ExxonMobil works to promote maximum utilization of the gas resources in Qatar while ensuring that Qatar remains a reputable LNG exporter. The company upholds working business ethics that is a key pillar in the attainment of results. ExxonMobil has a total of ---employees, which includes both low cadre staff as well as senior management. The general manager who is also the president of ExxonMobil Qatar is Mr. Barton Cahir. Exxon Mobil Corporation’s shares as at 4th of August were trading at $ 99.23. In the current state of affairs, ExxonMobil Qatar is among the largest company in Qatar dealing with petroleum and petrochemicals. The mission of the company is to find long-term and sustainable solutions to the energy needs in the world. The company is committed to being the world’s premier petrochemical and Petroleum Company. In addition, the company is committed to promoting technologies that are energy efficient, and maximizing the use of energy. It further develops collaborations that facilitate the LNG projects in Qatar. Further, they have adopted the diversification of gas use while they have engaged in research that is geared towards the realization of solutions to the energy needs in the world. The company has developed partnerships with the state of Qatar as well as the Qatar Petroleum in providing solutions to energy needs. Additionally, the company endeavors to achieve financial success continuously and operating results while ensuring that business conduct is adhered to. With the company’s â€Å"Qatarization† approach to human resource, the company is able to employ a diverse w ork force mainly

Friday, October 18, 2019

To what extent can management control organizational culture Essay - 1

To what extent can management control organizational culture - Essay Example As such, the management in an organisation needs to provide direction regarding the beliefs, values and behaviours adopted by workers in an organisation. Further, the organisation structure as part of the organisational culture denotes the type of structure that organisations prefer to use in order to achieve their desired goals. A structure in an organisation helps to define authority and can either be vertical or horizontal structure. In a vertical structure, power emanates from the top downwards while, in a horizontal structure, responsibility is divided among teams in an organisation and power is less defined compared to the vertical structure. Consequently, the type of structure adopted by an organisation depends on what they want to achieve in both the short term and long-term basis. However, in any form of organisational culture, the management has a critical role in ensuring the beliefs, values, behaviours and organisation structure is in line with the organisation’s v ision and mission. In this sense, the extent which the management can control organisational culture depends on the cooperation that exist between the management and other employees at the workplace (Alavi et al. 2006). In most organisations, controlling the organisational culture is not an easy task because of the diversified culture in at workplace for instance (Ackroyd & Crowdy, 1990). As such, in order for the management to provide direction in terms of adopting an effective organisational culture, it is important that they understand the needs of their employees. Developing a culture that resonates with all employees in an organisation is a challenging task for the management and thus it is important that the management learn and understand the needs of their employees (Ackroyd & Crowdy, 1990). Further, despite the type of organisation structure used, employees’ cooperation is still necessary to achieve success with various plans in an organisation. Whether an organisation

Forensic Science 3.2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Forensic Science 3.2 - Essay Example Imprints are heavily useful in forensic identification. The most common example of an imprint sample in terms of physical evidence is the presence of fingerprints. It is an example of an individualization pattern that can be â€Å"packaged† and brought inside the laboratory unlike a reconstruction pattern. Fingerprints found on physical evidences can now be stored and examined inside the laboratory and are important due to their ability to identify the unique individual associated with it. Friction ridge skin pattern is a method of analyzing fingerprints and comparing with other imprints found on evidences so as to identify a unique individual (Gaensslen, Harris and Lee, 2008). Indentation is a three dimensional pattern which results from soft contact with an object as opposed to an imprint (Gaensslen, Harris and Lee, 2008). A track and trail pattern made on sand, mud or earth can be described as an example of an indentation. This is due to the soft nature of surfaces such as sand which would result in an indentation. Indentations are useful marks that can allow useful examination of physical evidences as they indicate directions. In the case of track and trail pattern, drag marks can be followed and blood trails can be compared by means of chemical tests. Physical patterns include skid marks and other marks let by vehicle tires. Skid marks and other tire marks can be used for reconstructing car accidents and other incidents involving an automobile. Skid mark analysis is usually performed by an expert or a forensic engineer (Gaensslen, Harris and Lee, 2008). Various measurements such as length of a mark can direct towards different possibilities. These marks are documented either as a videotape or a photograph and then reconstructed and compared by means of a laboratory based examination. This can uncover many details regarding any failures that could have

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The hot zone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The hot zone - Essay Example On New Year’s Eve, Mr. Monet suffers from the eyeball pain (Preston 9). The pain is one of the symptoms of the virus attack. Further, M. Preston interestingly emphasized Mother Nature’s outpouring of ailments unfavorably affects humans (Preston 3). The real life story focuses on some of society’s unsuccessful attempts to stop or cure certain ailments. The book shows the unstoppable Mother Nature’s Ebola virus, HIV (AIDS) as well as the marburgvirus virus types can avoidably kill many people (Preston 23). Finally, the book exposes to the world the dangers of incurable animal viruses. Further, the book interestingly shows the governments’ efforts to control Mother Nature’s virus attacks. The book discusses the government established the Reston Virginia to control the deadly viruses (Preston 94). The Virginia research included the coining of the deadly Reston virus. Specifically, Mr. R. Preston states U.S. funded Reston, Virginia research focused on the incurable viruses that transfer from animals to humans (Preston 105). Furthermore, the Preston story interestingly emphasized the discovery of the Ebola virus strain in the Reston Virginia medical research facility (Preston 94). The virus was called by another mutation name. Monet mentioned the MARV virus came from the Cave of Kitum (Preston 119). Kitum is strategically located in the remote outskirts of Kenya’s Mount Elgon. Moreover, another interesting topic of the book is hope. The author’s story plots indicate people can hope they can win over the incurable virus attacks. The book shows the nation’s allocating funds to find the virus cure or alleviate the symptoms for the currently incurable viruses. The U.S. government allocates funds for anti-virus researches. The government’s Center for Disease Control agency helps with the fight (Preston 20). The agency exerts extra efforts to research, control, and eradicate the increasing number of

Voter Turmont vs Ballot Initiatives Research Paper

Voter Turmont vs Ballot Initiatives - Research Paper Example Whether or not ballot initiatives have an effect on voter turnout in the United States is a contested question. Voter turnout referrers to the number of people who take part in a voting forum like election, referendum or other gatherings. Voter turnout exhibits some hearty pattern that explains why the number of voters varies from one place to another. According to most researches done on voter turnout, the main factor that affects voter turnouts is institutional variables (Jackman, 1987). Ballot initiative on the other side is referred to a process of whereby the people are authorized to enact or refute legislations at the polls hence superseding the legislative body. An initiative is a type of election facilitated by the people with the aim of resolving issues that elected leaders fail to raise or attend contrary to public desires. In 1962, Powell’s book, ‘Contemporary Democracies’ was the first book to be published on the study of voter turnout. His 1986 articl e, ‘American Political Science Review Articles’ established that countries with nationally competitive districts whose parties and members usually have enticements to persuade voters to turn up at the polls, or those that had strong party-group association such as churches and unions were likely to have high voter turnout (Powell, 1986, p 21-22). In his conclusion, Powell said that the turnout in America is inhibited by its institutional context, and the main emphasis, which is also the most powerful variable, is on party-group associations. Voter turnout in the past years has been on a declining trend in the united State, with only a few exceptions. Although some sources from defenders of participatory, normative theorists and to some extent journalist have indicated that ballot measures that are initiated by citizens are likely to increase voter turnout, other researches refute the assertions, despite use of direct democracy having been embraced in the United States f or the last 25 years. Whereas those who prefer direct democracy dispute that citizen participation, efficacy and confidence in the government can only be increased by permitting citizens to vote directly on policy issues, those who oppose say the process will only have minimal change, and threatens to deteriorate state legislatures and replace representative democracy (Broder, 2000). Most of the conclusions based on the comparative cross-national research are vigorous and as a result, there lacks a compelling foundation over the connection between voter turnout and ballot initiatives. Institutional variables in the end get to be overstated. Use of the initiative process for over 26 years in 50 states has been linked to higher turnout rates. The initiative process is evidently assisting in increasing the number of turnout in electoral participation. For example, in the 1990’s the discrepancy in turnout rates between initiative and non initiative states has been on the rise ove r time, estimated at 3% to 4.5% higher in presidential elections and between 7% to 9% higher in midterm elections (Tolbert Grummel & Smith, 2001). The rate of ballot initiative measures is increasing in the United States, with an increase on the use of initiatives to decide policy matters. In states such as California, Mississippi, Colorado,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The hot zone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The hot zone - Essay Example On New Year’s Eve, Mr. Monet suffers from the eyeball pain (Preston 9). The pain is one of the symptoms of the virus attack. Further, M. Preston interestingly emphasized Mother Nature’s outpouring of ailments unfavorably affects humans (Preston 3). The real life story focuses on some of society’s unsuccessful attempts to stop or cure certain ailments. The book shows the unstoppable Mother Nature’s Ebola virus, HIV (AIDS) as well as the marburgvirus virus types can avoidably kill many people (Preston 23). Finally, the book exposes to the world the dangers of incurable animal viruses. Further, the book interestingly shows the governments’ efforts to control Mother Nature’s virus attacks. The book discusses the government established the Reston Virginia to control the deadly viruses (Preston 94). The Virginia research included the coining of the deadly Reston virus. Specifically, Mr. R. Preston states U.S. funded Reston, Virginia research focused on the incurable viruses that transfer from animals to humans (Preston 105). Furthermore, the Preston story interestingly emphasized the discovery of the Ebola virus strain in the Reston Virginia medical research facility (Preston 94). The virus was called by another mutation name. Monet mentioned the MARV virus came from the Cave of Kitum (Preston 119). Kitum is strategically located in the remote outskirts of Kenya’s Mount Elgon. Moreover, another interesting topic of the book is hope. The author’s story plots indicate people can hope they can win over the incurable virus attacks. The book shows the nation’s allocating funds to find the virus cure or alleviate the symptoms for the currently incurable viruses. The U.S. government allocates funds for anti-virus researches. The government’s Center for Disease Control agency helps with the fight (Preston 20). The agency exerts extra efforts to research, control, and eradicate the increasing number of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Use academic literture and to apply theory in examining a chosen Essay

Use academic literture and to apply theory in examining a chosen ethical or social marketing issue - Essay Example Therefore, marketing managers have the responsibility of ensuring that they reduce advertisements that encourage underage drinking (Mohan, 2009, pg 27). This can be done by creating public awareness of the dangers of alcohol consumption. They should set out well-coordinated efforts aimed at reducing underage drinking by fostering mature and responsible drinking habits to adults Panda (2010) defines advertisement a mass communication medium; thus, require managers to exercise social responsibility. The marketing managers are required to provide correct information about the products and services that they promote (Andreasen, 2011, pg29). This is critical in giving consumer adequate information to make correct choices. Understanding the responsibility towards the public is critical since it has a positive and negative consequences. Imperatively, the consumers’ protection groups and government provide criticism on advertisements. In many cases, they base their arguments on companys manipulative and deceptive reasons (Panda, 2010,pg37). Many consumers focus their attention on the environmental and social effect of advertisements. Other concerned with the commercial clutter, offensiveness, stereotypes, and value system. For instances, labels designed for alcoholic beverages in retail places have pictures of an older person and not children to avoid allur ing the youth and children. Marketing managers have the responsibility of ensuring that their advertisements meet the ethical norms. In essence, they need to ensure that the messages do not harm the political, social, and morals standards in the society (Lamb, 2011, pg8). Ethical advertisements are those that have limits on decency, does not lie, and don’t make false claims. It can be observed that many advertisements are exaggerative. The sole reasons for marketing managers are to increase their sales. Many are forced to make a false representation by presenting colorful, decorated, and

Monday, October 14, 2019

Human Resources department in William Hill Essay Example for Free

Human Resources department in William Hill Essay Human Resources department in William Hill are important because they have a connection with the quality of employees and market success. William Hill will not be able to work effectively if workers are not committed to meeting corporate objectives so it is the HR management job to ensure this quality by recruiting, developing and retaining these staff. In order to do the above it is essential for HR department to look at various information internally and externally to plan for human resource. Internal and external information is important for William Hill as they need it to determine what they are doing, what they should have done, and what they are about to do. For this company to be the best and to strive to the highest levels they should make sure that they know all legislations that they need to follow in order to stay on the same side of the law. Internal in formation consist of what is happening in the business such as below: Labour Turnover This means the number of employees that leave over a period of time, are replaced and the average length of time workers stay and reason for staff wastage. This can either be advantage or become a disadvantage to William Hill. This is because it can either bring in new employees with new ideas and skills, or it can be expensive to recruit new staff. Due to high costs that it will produce, this can also become time consuming. Employees may leave because of poor career prospects, allowing little chance of promotion or simply better opportunities elsewhere. The way to measure labour turnover is: Wastage rate: No. of leavers in a period * 100 Average number of employees in the period Average No. Employees at start of period + Employees at end of period of employees: 2 Companies including William Hill can use this calculation on a yearly basis for the whole organisation or just the department. This is highly useful when used as a comparison with previous years. One disadvantage is that the equation (wastage rate) doesnt measure the length of service of the employees that leave. Stability Index means that means how long an employee has been with the firm. It can be measure by using this formula: No. of employees with one or more years or service * 100 No. of employees at the start of the year This equation shows the stability of more loyal and settled workers. It ignores short-term workers or those most likely to leave. William Hill Labour turnover for Evelyn Street Branch is: Labour turnover = 3 * 100 = 20% 15 This result includes the amount of part time and full time workers employed in my branch. This is a really good indication that numerous workers love their job and want to stay employed in William Hill. As there is high retention levels it makes planning for human resource easier because it seems that more workers are staying. The amount of people leaving one branch would require the attention of the HR department, this is because the company can observe what is wrong and try to find ways to fix it. This would help the department as it can grow from the results of the turnover. Being able to put back into working order the things that became a problem in the past would make the company more successful from within. Age, Skills and Qualifications According to studies the older you are the more experience you would have. Analysing the age of the workers at William Hill it would show that mostly young and middle age groups are being employed. William Hill tend to take staff during night racing and hiring people around these times would be essential for the company but not for the employee, this is because in that short space of time the workers will not gain the qualifications that they need. William Hills most reliable staff would be the middle age groups. This is because they would be more experienced and have been in that trade for such longer period. In addition to this they will gain maximum experience and qualifications to match. Where this is rewarded by annual pay they will be more expensive to employ, their length of service may make them more expensive to make redundant. Younger staff may lack experience but they may be more receptive to change and new ideas, also they may inexpensive to recruit. When looking at the gender of William Hill you will find that most of the employees are female: FEMALE 60% MALE 40% There are more women on the shop floors than in the Head Office of William. Also the male population tend to be the betters and it means that the female will tend to serve them especially when it comes to individual betting shops. William Hill is a company that employ regardless of qualification or skills in providing their services to customers however it would aid employment if you had rather good maths skills, good communication skills and working with other workers as a team. But William Hill do offer training where it is needed to new or previous staff because it essential time is not wasted in not knowing what to do but being productive and offering good Customer Service. Staff Absences or sickness Staff absences cost industries in terms of money and time due to less productivity. Staff absences is not only included in absences but also bad time keeping such as arriving late and leaving early but also due to industrial accidents. Accidents at work can be avoided by the use of common sense and consideration. Hazards caused by leaving paper on the floor, having the ladder obstructing the way, blocked entrances and exits with boxes and trailing leads. So it is part of the Human Resource to keep sure that safety is kept by each shop and that appropriate planning is made for training in First Aid in case of accidents caused by other individuals. Apart from accidents the workplace can cause illness to workers in a variety of ways especially those that are doing night shift also due to constant smoking by workers and customers it may lead to further health problems in the future so this may cause absences. The staff absences in the Evelyn Branch of William Hill yearly are: Part time employees 18% Full time employees 32% Full time workers have the highest Training This can be done within the business or outside, according to the training needs of the employee. There are different types of training: Induction, Mentoring, Coaching, Apprenticeships, and Off and On the job training. Staff training is required if William Hill are to continue and to be successful to be the best in their market. The process of training is to help employees reach their maximum efficiency. William Hill will need to meet their annual targets therefore employees would need to develop their skills. At the beginning of your employment at William Hill or any other workplace you will have to have an induction. This is an introduction to the business for new employees. This can be used to familiarise the new recruits with the organisation. Based on a good induction the employee will feel at ease with the organisation and some of the employees. Your skills and qualifications may be based on your training. Your ability to gain as much knowledge as you can will be reflected in your skills to do certain jobs. Employees of William Hill will be trained to suit any area no mater what the task in question is. This will then help the company to strive to be the finest it can be. Succession and Promotion of Staff Succession is the process of staff that has left being trained and promoted although it has become common for William Hill to recruit experienced staff from outside the business it would be advantageous to start promoting those within the organisation. So in order for employees to stay and require less human resource planning it helps to encourage staff to remain loyal by giving them good career prospects. Promoting within William Hill will ensure continuity of style and culture of the organisation so that everyone watching out for each other style will still exists to continue increasing productivity. The human resource department do not always approach staff for promotion but teletexting is placed on Managers betting screen to tell staff or posters are placed out side individual LBO if they need certain staff. Nevertheless there is always that problem that internal staffs are not suitable so advertising the need for staff will have to be done for William HR department for planning for the future. External information relates to the information outside of the business and these tend to be things which are beyond William Hills control. So in order to overcome these problems it helps to use the PESTEL (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal) analysis which looks at all aspects of the external influences which will prove crucial to the outcome of William Hill in coming years. Political With there being a stable political environment it enables William Hill to make predictions about their future because they have that degree of certainty due to knowing that the Labour government will be in power for another four years and hopefully they will stick to the same economic policies. If there was an increase in company taxation levels, this could mean that William Hill will have more cost to pay and may not be able to recruit as many staff as they previously would. For the Human Resource department it means that they may have to recruit staffs that are less expensive such as those that dont have as much experience as someone that may have been in the industry for 10 years. Changes to taxation levels in general would have an affect on William Hill as certain things such as concessions and incentives given to workers could increase or decrease. However some of the company expenses are tax deductible meaning that William Hill can set these off against tax burdens and may make them more willing to recruit workers if costs can be cut through not giving away company cars. The level of protectionism that the government have could affect trade and could affect demand for William Hill services hence demand for labour to supply services could fall or ascend depending on their restrictions. Economic Economic forces affect both the organisation and its customers. Depending on the sector that the business lies on the economic influences will be different. The economic environment may change, William Hill will need to understand how their suppliers and customers will be affected if they are to successfully adjust to change. Unemployment has a relationship with the demand of product or products in general. With a high unemployment level the demand for products will go down as people have less disposable income. If William Hill were to set up in an area that has low employment levels then they could make the percentage level increase thus giving the company more sales as unemployment is low. If interest rates are high then it becomes a lot more expensive for companies like William Hill to borrow money from banks, meaning that William Hill will refrain from expanding and less staff will be needed. The Human Resources Planning department may have to delayer the hierarchy of the company leaving some without a job. With high interest rates people in general will become hostile to purchasing luxury or high priced products or services therefore the demand for them will decrease. The Human Resources department would need to invent ways for this to change in their favour. Social Peoples spending habits may vary during different seasons because of various races during the course of the year such as Cheltenham, The Grand National and many more. William Hill will realise this and take advantage for it. When recruiting staff WH Smith would need to think carefully on whom to take on. Taking in the knowledge that younger employees would be more responsive to change. However someone of the senior generation may offer more years of service. This will effect the HR department of WH Smith because they will need to consider a lot. Since younger people may have new skills and new ideas they may be beneficial to the company, and older employees would stay with the company longer. Technological As technology is advancing WH Smith need to move with the times by using technology They may want to make sure that their products are of the highest standards so WH Smith would use technical equipment thereby reducing the amount of staff required. If WH Smith engages in Internet sales it may also cut down the staffs that is needed. The Human Resources department will take into consideration the affect that this would have on WH Smith and they will use this to interpret the outcome for their future. Environmental Environmental issues are a very big part of all industries as everyone wants to be environmentally friendly. Some of WH Smiths customers would like to buy recyclable products to be kind to the environment. If WH Smith were to be concerned with the environment they could buy more recyclable stationery enabling this to be part of their policy concerning the environment. There may be some customers (like me) that dont really mind whether their goods are recyclable. To them they may think that just because they can be recycled they are not good quality, therefore they would not buy it. The HR department would need to analyse this area and make sure they know and understand the ramifications that may occur from their decisions. This could have an effect on staff as they may need to employ more people to assist with sales or not employ anyone at all. Legal All companies follow an equal opportunity policy as it is part of a legislation that all businesses should follow. For legal reasons William Hill may have to pay one employee more money than another, this would not be because ones a man and the other is a woman, but, because one is a minor (under 16) and the other is above 18. With this policy people under 18 yrs would be paid à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3.60 and anyone older would get à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½4.20. Within this company they do not discriminate against people, this could be from sex discrimination to racial. This could effect the HR department as it could higher the cost of labour that they recruit, meaning that they would reduce the amount of staff.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Surrealism in Art and Photography

Surrealism in Art and Photography A fundamental problem for fine art photographers is to distinguish themselves from this morras of photographic folklore, somehow to separate themselves from all these common men who know how to make pictures with cameras, and to convince us all that what they do is special. (Christopherson, 1974) The aim of this rationale is to situate my professional practice within the historical and theoretical contexts explored during my university studies. This essay will deal with establishing the fact that fashion photography does not have to be just about fashion by emphasizing the art in my pieces and consequently creating fine art photography. The first part of this analysis will examine the nature of photography which has become the medium of my practice. Second part consists of consequent research on fashion photography and sequent analysis and discussion. In order to link it with art, the background of Surrealism will be briefly outlined. The final analysis will consider key features of my practice. Can be a  fashion photography considered as a  true art form? What theories, quotations or articles are in agreement with this subject matter? What are characteristics of art photography? Research has shown that photography was born in eighteen thirty nine and is regarded as everyday medium that communicates concept visually. Roland Barthes (1980) defined photograph as aid which help us to be informed about the world. Furthermore, one should not forget the Susan Sontags theory take pictures as you travel what suggests that collecting the photographs means collecting the world. (Susan Sonntag, 1977) Charles Baudelaire (1859) suggests that photography depict the stupidity of masses, whereas P.H. Emerson claimed that photography was an independent and potentially great art from capable of expressing thoughts and emotions beyond the scope of the other and older art forms. (P.H. Emerson, 1975) In agreement with Emerson, this contemporary medium embodies the way of expressing ideas, expressing myself within my practice. Photography is more than a medium for factual communication of ideas. It is a creative art . (Ansell Adams, 1952) The question whether photography can be considered as an art has been discussed especially in sixties and seventies. It has been found out that in nineteen sixty eight was born the relationship between photography and art. In a Grundergs opinion, it has all started when photographers regarded photography as an art form and simultaneously artists have accepted camera in their practice. (Grundberg, 1987) On the one hand, there were artists who thought that camera is repressing imagination. On the other hand, some of them believe photograph is purely metaphoric. In agreement with the second statement, it has been found out that photographs symbolize the metaphor for artists experience. In other words, it serves the purpose of visualizing artists ideas. In a view of these facts, it is quite likely that if the art is about self-expression than the photograph which is used for expressing emotions, ideas or attitudes, must be regarded as an art form. The first person in history who wrote about photography as art was P.H. Emerson , British photographer and writer. He preferred aesthetic and emotional side of the image rather than the subject. Perhaps we should point out the fact that between nineteen seventy and nineteen ninety photographs has been equipollent with other contemporary arts. Which art movement has affected the development of a photograph and is also significant within my practice? It has been Surrealism, art movement that came into being in nineteen twenty four in Paris with leader Andre Breton. It may be true that surrealist group was the most controversial but on the other hand their expressions were positive and optimistic. To explore the voice of their inner selves, they focus on imagination, mysticism, dreams and mediation. This unreal art movement and photograph as a medium of realism seem to be totally different. Man Ray, American artist who has been considered as representative surrealist photographer had been interested in photography because of personal development. His theory which suggests that photography emphasizes visual sphere between forms is could be in agreement with considering photography as art form. He has also contributed by invention of photographic technique of solarisation. Although it may be true that Surrealism has had impact on a photograph, the most crucial point made so far is that it has significantly inspirited the development and nature of fashion photography. It would be unfair not to mention the fact that Man Rays surreal photographs breathed new life into fashion photography. What is the nature of fashion photography and what is its connection with art? History of fash ion is connected with photos by Baron Adolph de Meyer who published them in nineteen nine for magazine Vogue; however the relationship between art and fashion is recognized from renaissance. Anne Hollander (1994) claimed that fashion is art because it is capable of creating complete figural images psychologically real and modern. She also states that as artists turn to fashion, cloth designer turn to the fine art in order to explore the connection between fine and applied art, a sense of pure form and a sense of design to use. In a book entitled  ´Fashion Theory ´, Rosetta Brookes makes the point that You could say a painting is designed to go on the wall, but if it was made as fresco, where it was part of the wall, would you say it was not art because it was practical? (Rosetta Brookes, 1992) The question whether fashion can be consider as art is questionable and criticised, however these arguments seem to confirm that idea. Fashion does not have to be something people wear, fa shion is also an image. (Viktor and Rolf, 1999) Some critics suggest that fashion photography is just about depicting garments or models without any context behind it. It is questionable whether all kinds of fashion photographs are the same, or if there are artists whose images are portraying art with strong artistic context behind it. In this case it is important to highlight and analyse work of surrealist fashion photographers and related theories of critics. Rosetta Brookes (1992) has stated that fashion photographers have to capture the moment where the real world reproduced itself. She wrote on fashion photographer Helmut Newton that his fashion images are embodied in the dualism o the world itself. Judith Clarke (1998) discussed work of surrealist fashion photographer Erwin Blumenfeld who obviously removed fashion photograph from commercial form to its origins art. To support mentioned arguments it is worth stating that Metaphor and meaning of fashion were at the heart of surrealist visual language. (Richard Martin, 1987) It has also been found out that fashion represents for surrealist escape from ordinary to extraordinary. The radical change within fashion photography happened when Adolf de Meyer add shimmer into his images which embodied artistic photographs. This approach has removed the presentation of garment. Consequently it has evoked expressing of emotions. Martin Mukacsi (1933), Hungarian photographer who has transformed the course of fashion photograph when he blurred his photograph. The aim of photograph was to influence woman and let her apply it on her life. According to Roland Barthes (1983), three fashion styles exist. While the first one is objective, second one is more romantic with dream-like elements. The last one is represented as caricature. In agreement with Barthes, all of these specific fashion styles signified unreal. On reflection, it seems more accurate to say that there are lots of facts and theories underpinning the subject matter. The fact, that photograph is medium appro priate for expressing ideas and that for artists influenced by surrealism it embodies the escape from reality, is important statement not only for the subject matter but also for my professional practice. What are the features of Surrealism and other key aspects which are essential within the context of my work? The first thing that needs to be said is work of surrealists consist of dream-like elements. Additionally, the lecture on psychoanalysis let me to research Sigmund Freud and subsequently his book Interpretation of Dreams. In this book he suggests that all dreams derive from our experience and that is the reason why they are reproduced in our dreams. He is also describing the connection between content of dreams and waking life where he suggests that waking thoughts appear in dreams only when they are pushed to one side by thinking activity of the day. (Sigmund Freud, 1913) It is important to add that elements of dream-like representations are abounding in paintings of David Schell. Within my practice, there has been noticeable interest in interpretation of dreams in general. To illustrate this point, here are some examples of dream quotations that have inspirited my creating. There is nothing like a dream to create the future. (Victor Hugo, 1802-1885) To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream: not only plan, but also believe. (Anatole France, 1884-1924) You may say Im a dreamer, but Im not the only one, I hope someday you will join us, and the world will live as one. (John Lennon, 1940-1980) Another characteristic feature of surrealistic movement is unreal fantasy world. At this point is necessary to emphasize the influence of theorist Jean Baudrillard and his book called Simulacra and Simulations. Basically, he negates the reality as we usually understand it and suggest that world we live in have been replaced by simulations of the real-a copy world. According to Baudrillard, the false reality of Disneyland is presented as imaginary to make people believe all surroundings are real. The best example to understand the theory is watching the news on television of two people having an accident. He states that experience of the man and woman who were directly involved with the affair are the only ones to experience the reality and to anyone else it is just simulation. (Jean Baudrillard, 1981) Inspirited by his theory, the subject of my work is to create the hyper real world for viewers while acting in my photograph experiencing the real world. In other words, the subject of my work which may not be noticeable is to take the viewer beyond reality. The argument being put forward here is similar to quote of Bert P. Krages (2005) Knowing abut your subject is useful even if that knowledge does not seem to relate directly to the visual aspects of what you are trying to photograph. It worth stating at this point that there is another aspect of my work emerging. It is a well-known fact that the woman as an object has been representing by many artists, especially surrealist s and fashion photographers. Women embodied muse for artists as Man Ray or Edgar Degas. Research has shown that Edgar Degas was French impressionist who is celebrated as the master of drawing the human figure in motion. His favourite theme was women who were captured in their activities. Man Ray also found his motivation in women and is best-known for his avant-garde photography. His images provide the viewer far more differences than similarities of original model. Besides these artists it is essential to mention the influence of lecture called Human Body in Painting and Photograph where this subject has been discussed and analysed. After two years of creating, this subject matter within my practice has been transformed into performance. Performance art came into being in nineteen sixty in United States and has been representing visual artists. By nineteen seventy it was already acknowledged as global term and regarded as art. There is plenty of performance artists therefore it is compulsory to focus on artist with the greatest impact. It has been Marina Abramovic who is regarded as grandmother of performance and also Jemima Stehli who creates self-portraits by using a mirror. However, the most influential artist in addition to this topic is Cindy Sherman. Her personality has had important impact on photography as well as on my own self-directed practice. Her personality is celebrated as one of the most influential and respected American photographers in the twentieth century. Using designer cloths she was trying to point out contemporary problems of modern age and investigate ideas and images of female in media, society and nature of the conception of art. Andrew Sargus Klein (2006) claimed that Sherman endeavour to erase the notion of the voyeuristic photographer- instead, the observer is the viewer. Although some critics believe that her images are just self-portraits, however her quotation is in disagreement with this statement I am trying to make other people recognize something of themselves rather than me. (Cindy Sherman, 1982) Patty Chang (2000) states that performance art and photography are opposites, but both define a non-ordinary space by establishing parameters on it- a space that depends on the observer to make it come alive. To conclude this part, it is myself performing in my photographs. The aim is not to present myself, but to present my ideas through photographic medium. The performance feature provides me the sense of freedom in what I do and what I want to depict. It symbolizes the pure pleasure of playing, acting by using my body as non-commercial silhouette. The purpose of the performance element is to express myself, my ideas and be the one who is manipulating the viewer and who is trying to communicate with audience. However, influenced by Cindy Shermans thinking, the endeavour of my work is not to recognize something about myself, but to let people discover something about them. Not only has performance art originated in nineteen sixty, but also Psychedelic art. It is undeniable that hallucinations, illusions and imagination illustrate key features of surrealists. Edmund Critchley (1987) suggests that hallucinations are obvious in psychical illnesses but can also be experienced by normal people and became source of inspiration for art. It is generally known that Salvador Dali, the most surrealist from other surrealists, has applied in his art making hallucinatory features what caused the fact that his art was difficult to understand. Not only hallucinatory features are important for my practice, but also illusions and imagination. According to Edmund Critchely (1987) illusions, the conscious and unconscious of the form of stimuli provide much of unexpected in art. An alternative approach might be quotation of Sigmund Freud (1927) Illusions commented themselves to us because they save us pain and allow us enjoy pleasure instead. We must therefore accept it without complaint when they sometimes collide with a bit of reality against which they are dashed to pieces. Apart from hallucinations and illusions, imagination is also important within the subject matter and my practice. It is a well-known fact that surrealists style uses visual imagery from subconscious mind to create art without the intention of logical compre hensibility. An alternative explanation might be that they have rather used their imagination. We would even go so far as to say that Albert Einsteins (1879-1955) quotation Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere- in other words, imagination is more important than knowledge- is in agreement with this argument. To sum up information stated above, the purpose of using hallucinatory feature and illusions is simple- the aim is to offer a pleasure to viewer and experience something scrupulously honest. As mentioned above, psychedelic art came into being in nineteen sixty and represents attitudes of underground sub-culture. Steven Heller (2010) claimed that psychedelic art â‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦was language used as a code for a revolutionary generation. The features of this art are mainly bright vivid colours and surreal sense which have been manifested within art, fashion and music. The most essential fact contextualizing my practice is using contrasting beautiful colou rs for purpose of transporting the viewer into fantasy world. In addition to colours, colour theory and specific psychological meaning of single colour. It has been found out that colour is sensed by eye, however the perception of it takes place in mind and it serves sense of illusion and distance. By using different shades and tones at different images, the purpose of the colour is to evoke emotion while looking at piece of work. Therefore I agree with quotation of Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) Colours, like features, follow the changes of the emotions. Which other features are significant for surrealistic creating? In addition to illusion, it has been found out that many surrealist but also fashion photographers have used mirrors or mirror effects in order to mystify the viewer. My early influence originated from pieces of Gilbert and George, contemporary controversial artists. The effect of mirroring is result of digital manipulation of the image. Works of the most contemporary fashi on photographer, David LaChapelle has astonished me because of undetectable manipulation. He is also applying surreal feature and narrative within his creating. However, the digital manipulation is not the only aspect within existing process of my works. Firstly, there is a need of finding a place which seems appropriate and first of all, interesting. Most of the time, damaged and messy localities are investigating in order to use their complex composition when creating unreal world and transforming them into fantasy landscape. Important fact to highlight is that the place is never staged; however it is always in its natural-found condition. Secondly, the appropriate dress, accessories, entire appearance, pose and mood have to be chosen. Finally, there is another aspect of composing the eventual shoot and also managing the right angels and camera settings. With the help of tripod or an assistant is the picture taken and consequently edited. Although the picture is taken, it is not t he end of a process at all. Certainly, it can be said that my work is process based. The other side of the coin is, however, that it can also be argued that it is based on digital manipulation of an image. Nevertheless, the manipulation consists of changing colours slightly and sometimes it consists of the use of mirror effect. These arguments suggest that the work is processed based where the digital manipulation of image is becoming a part of the process.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Female Body Image and the Mass Media :: Womens Body Image

Perhaps no time in history have body image standards had such an enormous impact on society. With today’s mass media people can be subjected to thousands of images and messages daily, portraying the â€Å"ideal† body image. The people most often portrayed and effected by these messages are young women. Females can feel constant pressure to live up to these ideals which are most often unattainable. This pressure can cause detrimental physical and mental states. To fully understand this problem we must first ask ourselves, â€Å"Why?† Why has the female body been pushed to the forefront of society and media? It is undeniable that it is merely a marketing ploy. The beauty sector is a multibillion dollar a year industry. Companies such as Revlon, Cover Girl, Maybelline, L’Oreal insist that girls must look a certain way if they want to be anything. These corporations are only concerned with the bottom line. They take no responsibility for the negative image that they portray, in fact, that is what they thrive on. The worse self-image a woman has, the more beauty products she will buy to try and â€Å"improve† her looks. And there is no better way to make her think she is ugly than to subject her to thousands of unrealistic, airbrushed pictures of models to compare herself to. This way of thinking is further drilled into the female mind through women’s magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Vogue and so on. Never do you find an article entitled â€Å"Big is Beautiful†. More often you will find â€Å"How to lose 20 lb.. so your man will love you!† sprawled across the cover of the latest issue. Occasionally magazines will run a heart touching article about an ex-models fight with bulimia. They will often forget to mention, however, that the same model was portrayed as the pinnacle of health and beauty on the cover of last years April issue. The beauty industry and magazines are not the sole cause of the problem though, there is plenty of blame to go around. And so we look to Hollywood. The cardinal rule in movies and television: sex sells. When you tune into to watch Friends on Thursday night you will not see one leading lady (or any ladies for that matter) with a waist over size six. The only â€Å"imperfect† characters in the show are the â€Å"fat ugly guy and fat ugly lady† who live across the street and are the objects of constant ridicule.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Individuality: Ellen Degeneres and Sexual Preference

Stay True to Yourself SaRaya V. Woolridge Towson University Abstract In order to be successful in any aspect of life you must be an advocate. As stated by dictionary. com, an advocate is to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly. Everyone by nature is an advocate for something whether it is being something as minimal as being an advocate for a promotion from your job or an increase in your allowance from your parents. There’s at least one topic that you feel strongly about and you feel should change.For me that topic is individualism. I believe that being your own person and staying true to yourself in any situation will lead you to ultimate success. Often in society people who are â€Å"different† from the norm are deemed weird and often looked down on. Straying from the norm doesn’t make you weird or any less good than the next person. A man who wears hair down to his ankles and shorts all year round with hoodies or someone who is homosexual and decided not to hide their sexual preference just to fit in with what society accepts.Every single person is different from the next no matter their race, age, background or even physical appearance. No two people are the exact same. And with this being said I never understood exactly why everyone is so hell bent on â€Å"Fitting In†. I believe that everyone should embrace every little thing that makes them special and use it to their advantage and become successful. There are many famous people right now that are successful right now that only were able to reach their full potential by embracing the very thing that made them unique and â€Å"different†.Ellen Degeneres revealed she was a lesbian, a rap group out to Brooklyn, NY by the name of â€Å"Flatbush Zombies† embraces their â€Å"weirdness† in rapping and sense of style and the good girl gone bad Rihanna expresses herself through body art and hairstyles. All three used made the m special to get where they are in life. Homosexuality is very common in our society today, so common that the rights for gays are a big campaign topic. There was once upon a time that the people in the limelight whom we often look up to would hide their sexual preference to gain and maintain social acceptance.But more recently there have been more and more people â€Å"coming out the closet†. Ellen Degeneres, Rosie O’Donnel, Lance Bass of N’Sync and Ricky Martin to name a few all are celebrities who have over the years embraced their sexuality. Most of the stars who revealed their sexual preference didn’t come as a surprise. But all can conclude that it made their life much easier and contributed to their career’s success. Ellen Degeneres said in an interview â€Å"†I never wanted to be ‘the lesbian actress. ‘ I never wanted to be the spokesperson for the gay community. Ever. I did it for my own truth. Ellen also went on to find love and marry a woman.This also caused a big stir because of the ongoing debates of same sex marriage. A lot of people do not agree with this and being a talk show host this could have easily harmed her ratings. But she did not let any of this stop her from being one of the top talk show hosts and gaining endorsements from companies such as cover girl. Also on the same website Elton John was quoted saying â€Å"[Coming out] gave me the freedom to be who I was for the rest of my life. I don't have to hide around corners. The worse thing is to be afraid of who you are — it's horrible. They both concluded that ever since revealing their sexuality their life has been easier. And when your life is stress free your success comes with ease because all your focus is on you and not hiding who you are. Another person who has gained much success through being an advocate for individualism is pop star Rihanna. Starting out with a good girl island girl image with her debut song â€Å" pon de replay†, no one would ever think she would be the hardcore, slick mouthed tattooed girl she is today. Often tweeting and posting pictures smoking weed and cursing at critics.Some people think that this is all a mechanism to cope with the domestic violence dispute she was involved in but Rihanna is very adamant about this being exactly who she’s been all along. Now that she’s made her mark and established a very loyal following, she’s able to really embrace her wild side without the concern that she will not be socially accepted. Rihanna has showed her â€Å"I Don’t Care† attitude through vulgar tweeting, tattoos and wild hairstyles. Over the years she’s chopped her hair all off, shaved her sides and dyed her hair outrageous colors such as fire engine red. She has also gotten tattoos f miniature guns and a quote on her knuckles that say â€Å"Thug Life†. Tattoos often communicate something negative in the public eye especi ally when it is in a spot that is very visible. (Doss and Ebesu-Hubbard, 2009) Most people would think her blatant disrespect and good girl gone bad persona would make her lose fans but ever since she’s done this her fan base has grown and her record sales have sky rocketed. She’s since been labeled a style icon and been making #1 hit records. Last but not least, there is the demonic crazily dressed duo Flatbush Zombies out of Brooklyn, New York.This group is compiled of two underground rappers with a theme and a dream. Piggy backing off of what the media named the â€Å"Zombie Attack† the duo has made quite a name for themselves, particularly for their style of dress and rap. They usually dress in loud non matching colors, mixing up prints and even dying their hair outrageous colors. One member of the group by the name os Juice had his hair dyed red at the top and gold on the sides. This was following the previous cheetah spotted hair. They take their â€Å"we irdness† and use it to their advantage.They dress weird, they dye their hair, they do drugs and rap and they don’t care who has a problem with it and it has only contributed to their rising success from underground rappers to mainstream. These are just a few examples of the â€Å"weird† and â€Å"different† people in the world that I admire for staying true to what makes them different. I personally have always had a very different style and I know people stare at me and talk about me but at the end of the day I’ve made a lot of networking connections being exactly who I am.As have many other famous people. This may sound cliche but I never want to be the girl who is trying to fit in when I was born to stand out, because when you try to fit in with the norm you’ll be washed away and blended in with everyone else. All in all, I believe that being an advocate for individuality is very crucial to success. All of the people in my paper as well as in the world who are successful Work Cited De Boer, S. (February 2009). Stars who came out of the closet, Wonderwall. Retrieved September 23, 2012 from

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Fundamentals of Effective Communication in the Workplace

Fundamentals of Effective Communication in the Workplace Natalie Manuel Professor Thomas Whenever Intro to Business August 3, 2014 There are a few times where I experienced effective communication in a business environment. One time in particular, I believe everyone demonstrated communicating effectively. At work there is a lot of chaos at times because there aren't many plans or guidelines put in place for customers regarding certain aspects of the business. My co-worker and I decided to create a few documents that can be .NET to the customer in certain situations.I work for GE oil & gas and we deal with customers who may need/want to return their blower for many reasons. We created a ARM authorization return form to keep everything organized. The form was very detailed and provided all the information the customer needs as well as the important information we would need to process the return. Along with this form, we created a standard order checklist. A lot of times we receive cus tomer Pop's that has missing information, incorrect pricing, wrong export information or incorrect vendor information, among other things.We created a document that was meant to be distributed to all the distributors and Memo's. The documents were sent to all the sales reps for review. Immediately we were met with issues from them. This is where the communication came in. We set-up for there to be a conference call with us and the sales rep. Once we were able to have the meeting, all questions and concerns were put on the table. Having an open dialogue is important in business and in life. With this conference call, we were able to edit some of the statements on the comments.As well as take some things off. Once that was complete, we were able to send these forms out to the customers. From that point on the effect it had on the business was an increase productivity. There were less Pop send backs to customers for corrections. That pleased the customers so much! Pleasing the customer s is always the goal, they help the business grow. Most of the customers really appreciated the help that the forms provided them. Without the conference call, none of this would have been possible.It could have been easy to take the sales rep issues and ignore them. I see in business a lot that people and their ideas are ignored. It only causes tension and mistrust. We understood that none of this was personal. Everyone had a great interest in seeing the business grow. Talking things out, keeps misunderstandings to a minimum. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing. Effective communication should be the goal for all businesses. â€Å"Effective communication in the workplace helps employees and managers form highly efficient teams. Fundamentals of Effective Communication in the Workplace Fundamentals of Effective Communication in the Workplace Natalie Manuel Professor Thomas Whenever Intro to Business August 3, 2014 There are a few times where I experienced effective communication in a business environment. One time in particular, I believe everyone demonstrated communicating effectively. At work there is a lot of chaos at times because there aren't many plans or guidelines put in place for customers regarding certain aspects of the business. My co-worker and I decided to create a few documents that can be .NET to the customer in certain situations.I work for GE oil & gas and we deal with customers who may need/want to return their blower for many reasons. We created a ARM authorization return form to keep everything organized. The form was very detailed and provided all the information the customer needs as well as the important information we would need to process the return. Along with this form, we created a standard order checklist. A lot of times we receive cus tomer Pop's that has missing information, incorrect pricing, wrong export information or incorrect vendor information, among other things.We created a document that was meant to be distributed to all the distributors and Memo's. The documents were sent to all the sales reps for review. Immediately we were met with issues from them. This is where the communication came in. We set-up for there to be a conference call with us and the sales rep. Once we were able to have the meeting, all questions and concerns were put on the table. Having an open dialogue is important in business and in life. With this conference call, we were able to edit some of the statements on the comments.As well as take some things off. Once that was complete, we were able to send these forms out to the customers. From that point on the effect it had on the business was an increase productivity. There were less Pop send backs to customers for corrections. That pleased the customers so much! Pleasing the customer s is always the goal, they help the business grow. Most of the customers really appreciated the help that the forms provided them. Without the conference call, none of this would have been possible.It could have been easy to take the sales rep issues and ignore them. I see in business a lot that people and their ideas are ignored. It only causes tension and mistrust. We understood that none of this was personal. Everyone had a great interest in seeing the business grow. Talking things out, keeps misunderstandings to a minimum. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing. Effective communication should be the goal for all businesses. â€Å"Effective communication in the workplace helps employees and managers form highly efficient teams.